Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Chapter 13 Forest Horizons

Chapter 13 Forest Horizons

- Kenge and Turnbull and I traveled to other villages to express that the Pygmies are not savages.  When they met Kachui they tried to talk to the Pygmies there but they did not say anything bad in front of the villagers.  Kenge would pull the Pygmies aside and talk to them.
- The BoMbo and Babali were known for cannibalism.  They too said they could not control the Pygmies.
-  All the villages complained abut the Pygmies saying they ate all their food and worked little.  
- The Mabudo tribe seemed to have a more realistic attidtute and outlook towards to Pygmie.  They gave them the first fruits and gave milk and honey to visitors because they recognized that they had been there longer.
- BaLese are considered to be arch-soceres as well as witches.  Kenge didn't really want to stay in their village of Chief Lupao.  They were not hospitable and the two slept in the car fearful.
- They next traveled to a catholic mission where they ate and bathed.
-Lese chief  Nakubai allowed the men to meet the pygmies and he did not follow them or have them followed.  We learned so much on this trip in particular.

Kenge was introduced to Jesus Christ on this trip.  He did not seem to really believe in Jesus Christ at all.  I do not know how to interpret all this from a Functionalist Perspective other then they moved village to village to learn more about other Pygmies in the forest and they were conserved at times with their own individual survival.

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